When mommy and daddy are gone I like to go dumpster diving in the kitchen trash.
Dumpster Diving In The Kitchen Trash.

When mommy and daddy are gone I like to go dumpster diving in the kitchen trash.
Mom kicked me off the bed. So I ate her blanket. I am a blanket-eating jerk.
(Elliott regrets nothing!)
Even while wearing their cones to keep them from pulling out their neutering stitches, our Staff pups Salt and Pepper still managed to destroy the kitchen, including chewing up the cupboards. Luckily we were planning on remodeling it anyway!! 😉
Shirt says: I am why we can’t have nice things… So true!
Shorty loves to eat trees!
That’s one expensive dog!
I chewed through the water meter, flooding the backyard!
This pillow was not soft enough on the outside, so I took some stuffing out to make room and got in…
My name is Jersey and I like to eat wood when mom and dad are gone!
“I ripped this railing down…”
Lacey wanted to do some home improvements.