I don’t know what happened to the chair.
I Dont Know What Happened To The Chair

I don’t know what happened to the chair.
I try to herd the leaves. (It’s my first autumn.)
“My name is mason, and I am NOT a certified arborist”…. mason the great Dane gets bored and chewa one whatever is around.
I was just trying to help with the dishes …
When our human let us out unattended for 5 minutes we decided that the plants in the big pots were dangerous to all of us, so we eliminated them.
My Mom tripped in the hole I dug, broke her finger and is in a cast. But, I am too cute to notice. Sorry! Reba
While playing Laser, Ruby bit the water hose that goes to the toilet, spraying water everywhere. If that’s not shameful enough, she tried to keep playing after the plumber left, even though I had to lie to him about where the puncture marks came from!! She’s got no remorse :(.
These two cuties are the reason why we gave up on parts of our back yard.
Two hours for human to install the sprinkler, 3 minutes for Miso to remove it.
Gigi doesn’t understand proper food etiquette. She also doesn’t know how to use a phone and that phones do not go in bowls.