Eddie has had to wear a cone for the last two weeks. Finally, today, he was “set free” while I was gone to get groceries. This is how he said “Thanks, Mom”.
Really. I can explain.

Eddie has had to wear a cone for the last two weeks. Finally, today, he was “set free” while I was gone to get groceries. This is how he said “Thanks, Mom”.
“Run, run, as fast as you can Mr. Gingerbread man…I’ll still catch you…and destroy you.”
Max is always proud of his “kills” and the speed with which he can remove a squeaker from any toy. He likes to leave the fluff and “carcasses” scattered throughout the house. He decided to really get in the Christmas spirit by destroying his gingerbread man.
I’m Indie, I am usually quite clever, but today, for my Mums birthday, I thought she might like to clean up thousands of bean bag balls. I was wrong.
This is Dexter and he makes me feel dumb for buying him a $20 indestructible toy that he destroyed in 20 minutes.
I’m smart enough to be a service dog but I’m not smart enough to stay away from wet paint. At least I have the decency to be embarrassed . . .
Lucy the Corgi is routinely caught in awkward positions on furniture throughout the house. She can be quite scandalous.
Harvey Edward is scared of squeaky toys, bones, kongs and rope toys. Leather, however, is yummy!
“I ate one of mom’s brand new ornaments less than an hour after she put it on the tree.”
Otis, my 5 yr old sons 16 week old English Bulldog puppy, watched me decorate the Christmas tree with my beautiful brand new ornaments. I was amazed that he didnt try to “help” me, just watched. Not long after, he came to me with a red glitter covered nose and mouth… and the remains of what was a sparkly red ball, all smiles and wagging behind (buldogs wag their whole rear ends 😉 He was so proud of himself…
Our 8 month old pitbull, Kuma, had fun with the outdoor cushions while we were at work. My husband wouldn’t talk to her for a whole day.