He is a very well behaved italian greyhound but he cannot resist the temptation to dig in all trash cans. he especially loves q-tips…we now have to keep the bathroom doors shut!!
Dumpster Diver

He is a very well behaved italian greyhound but he cannot resist the temptation to dig in all trash cans. he especially loves q-tips…we now have to keep the bathroom doors shut!!
My name is Otto and I’m a 4 year old French bulldog and my mom should never leave paper towels within my reach!
Berkley our 1 year old Westiepoo destroys her toys then cries about it.
“I did this. (30 lbs of egg shells)”
Left alone for 5 minutes while I went back into the bakery, Honeydog opened 4 containers containing 30 lbs of egg shells, munched away and dragged them all over my car. This is why she never gets to go anywhere. People walking down the sidewalk stopped dead in their tracks and gasped when I opened my door and found the damage.
Sorry Mommy….I love you!
A Haiku
When my mom is gone
I like to eat a buffet
from the trashcan. Yum!
This is Harley. He actually broke our automatic trashcan soon after we got it by knocking it over. As you can see, he is not sorry!
I chew the faces off my toys. I’m not sorry. Lando xoxo
My friend gave Lando this rubber pig for his 2nd birthday. He chewed its face off within the hour.
I just got this new bed, TODAY. This is why I can never have nice things.
Mojo vs UPS man. UPS man won
Welcome home mom! I had a super fun day! What’s for dinner?
Love, Chipper