Clarence got into the dry food while we were out. In addition to the flour, he was happily munching on a pound of dry spaghetti noodles when I walked in.
Baking a Cake

Clarence got into the dry food while we were out. In addition to the flour, he was happily munching on a pound of dry spaghetti noodles when I walked in.
This is the sixth arm Hayley has stolen off the kids’ snowman. She is completely unrepentant.
So this happened today.
I decide it would be a good idea now that I have my own house, to get a 2nd dog. So I looked for the right dog and ended up getting a 5 month old Rottweiler-boarder collie cross. He’s amazing but unfortunately likes to destroy everything, including my brand new stairs carpet in my brand new house! But I love him anyway
Chester, the I’m old enough to know better, 5 year old Vizsla, had a fun day while mommy was at work. He used his houdini skills to break into the bathroom and steal toilet paper then strewn it all throughout the house. I came home from work to find him passed out and tangled up in toilet paper in my bed!
This is Piglet. He wanted to be a leprechaun.
This is Huey. He is a lovebug. For instance, he loves to eat things with stuffing, from burritos to, sadly, comforters and pillows.
Eunice-dog is a border collie/beagle mix whose fetish for licking the furniture is an utter curiosity. If it is upholstered or covered with a blanket/comforter, it is ALL fair game for licking. The expression on her face is a common look for her – a smile, but she eyeballs you when you talk to her.
We did not feel comfortable with leaving the dogs all together since they had just met the day before, so we put Kula in a room by herself along with some toys. We were gone 2 hours and came home to her peeking her head out of the bottom of the door. All we could do is laugh, who could get mad at that sweet face.
“I resent not being allowed on the bed.” Bandit decided to destroy reading material AND violate the no-dogs-on-the-bed rule in one swoop.