This is Pippa. Pippa chews Ikea furniture like she chews bones. Maybe it has a special Swedish flavor?
cream and sugar

This is Pippa. Pippa chews Ikea furniture like she chews bones. Maybe it has a special Swedish flavor?
I chewed a hole through the laundry room door so that I can roam the house at will.
Mommy and Daddy adopted me last month. I said thank you by eating their kitchen cabinets for lunch (and then threw up on the couch).
Frieda, my heeler mix, eats everything. Including doors.
This is Pudgy, our three year old (prairie) dog. Every day he climbs into the fireplace and we have to dust him off.
“I keep going into the fireplace and get covered in soot. I am a bad prairie dog.”
This Natasha. The foo dogs used to scare her…now she likes to hang with them
I ate mom’s favorite chair… 🙁
Harvey doesn’t realize paper towels are for cleaning messes, not making them.
I sneak into the trash to try and eat inedible things like foil & cling wrap. Then I shred them and feel NO REMORSE!
I thought the trash was a Free For All