I throw toys to myself and end up through the wall in the process 🙁
Dog in a wall

I throw toys to myself and end up through the wall in the process 🙁
“You mowed the lawn the day after St. Patrick’s Day, I thought I was supposed to roll around to become green! Love Rocco.”
I have been meaning to tell you…I think this pillow is ugly!
Sophie was left alone for less than 1 hour and ate this chair.
My Goldens always smile especially when they are bad.
One chews everything and the other digs everywhere.
Frisco is a yellow lab who eats everything. Today it was the garbage. It was an unfortunate site after work but at least it wasn’t as bad as when he ate a bag of flour…
We thought you had forgotten to sort out the recycling, so we thought we’d help!
Tyson and Truman are repeat offenders of various crimes. The day after this picture was taken they raided the pantry and ate everything ( including but not limited to raw onions, dry rice, pasta, nuts, raw potatoes, etc.) .The mess covered to three different rooms!
Hi, I am Izzy, a 2 year old Boston Terrier, and when Mom and Dad are at work I like to get into all kinds of things, especially the bathroom trash can! Mom tried to stop me from doing this by purchasing a garbage can with a Lid but that won’t stop me!!!
“You got me an indestructible dog bed so I’ll start work on the destructible walls. Thanks, Wedge Antilles”
Wedge is our 11 month old rescue pug who has destroyed 6 beds since coming home to us. We finally got a bed that will last and on his first day alone with it, Wedge took out his frustrations on the wall. Our other 2 pugs are as confounded by his antics as we are.
I like to steal dishes out of my humans’ sink and smash them. But this time I smashed the crock pot. And I can make the most saddest guilty face ever so you can’t yell at me.