It’s the first day I was allowed to stay out of the cage and I already got into trouble.
First taste of daytime freedom

It’s the first day I was allowed to stay out of the cage and I already got into trouble.
“I pick out the same Lambchop plush evertime, then slowly, over the course of I month, I chew apart from back to front.”
Kraut is about 7 years old and is being adopted through the Southern Animal Foundation in New Orleans, LA. He prefers to be on the floor rather than on the couch or bed but will climb up if you coax him. Kraut weighs between 35 and 40 pounds and is neutered, he is about to begin heart worm treatment. He is great with dogs and cats and is still very playful, but is gentle and knows when to settle down.
Nora is a German Shepherd/Hound mix who is available for adoption through the A.D.O.P.T. program in central Texas. Nora has passed basic obedience and is currently in intermediate training. She loves water, jogging beside a bicycle or runner, and should NOT be in a home with cats. Nora is completely crate-trained and house-trained. She loves chew toys and is a healthy, spayed girl about three years old. She has her own facebook page full of training updates, pictures, and stories about her daily life. To find out more about Nora, click here.
Came home to the girls toy basket destroyed
Caption: I destroy packages, but I always save the biggest piece of cardboard as a peace offering for mom.
Hayley Bean: 1 year old boxer and destroyer of all things cardboard.
I unpacked Mom’s suitcase so I could use it as a bed – even though I already have three. I am not ashamed. – Princess Nellie. Princess Nellie was rescued from the streets of Mexico, and ever since, she can’t get enough of the Luxurious Life. When she looks at me with those big brown eyes, I’ll give her anything – including my best suitcase.
I Ate the couch!
This little lady likes to eat things she shouldn’t…like my parents fairly new couch. This is one of the many recent objects she has destroyed.
This is not the first thing Saint Mary has shredded all over my bedroom carpet.
Our Boston terrier Boomer likes to pile all of his toys in the hallway for us to trip over, including my exercise ball. He is also teaching his younger sister Daphne to do the same!
Picture says “I LOVE to pile all of my toys in the hallway so my mom trips over them, including moms exercise ball!! Best part? I taught my little sister to do it too! Yay! Love boomer and daphne”
I shredded an entire roll of paper towels into tiny pieces across the back yard…on a windy day. Yes, I did.