Hudson thinks he is the incredible hulk. If he can’t pick it up, he will drag it.
Posts Categorized: Pilfering Pooches
The Hedgehog started it!
“The hedgehog started it, mommy.” Molly never lets the toy win.
I Killed Quatchi!
From Mimi and my 9 year old son who caught her in the act…
This used to be an Olympic collectible.
What? You left it out.
I will never be ashamed.
Love: Mimi!
Harvey is a bad girl.
Harvey doesn’t realize paper towels are for cleaning messes, not making them.
Stella vs. Notre Dame
I ate my mom’s new Notre Dame hat. I am clearly rooting for Alabama. xoxo-Stella
How many licks does it take?
I was working on my letter strips for my pre-school class. My husband walked by and yelled, “Peanut’s licking your
letter strips!”
I will wait forever for hot chocolate
I want this hot chocolate. Jackson (not sorry).
Jackson, my 4 year old Jack Russell, will patiently gaze into your eyes whenever you have food, especially if it involves marshmallows!
Tipsy NYE Party Fouls
Who got tipsy at NYE and PEED on the carpet?!?!
Disclaimer: no dogs actually consumed alcohol, it’s just a joke! 🙂
Foiled again!
I sneak into the trash to try and eat inedible things like foil & cling wrap. Then I shred them and feel NO REMORSE!
What Red Pen?
No, I haven’t seen your red pen anywhere. Why do you ask? -Shimi