Lucy loooooves cat food…and steals it from our cat every chance she gets.
I ate ALL the cat food

Lucy loooooves cat food…and steals it from our cat every chance she gets.
Sometimes I bark at the evil humidifier so obviously the filter had it coming!
Linus is 4 months old and his appetite knows no bounds. Metal chain – he’ll chew it; chew deterrent sprays – he’ll lap it up like candy; punishment spray bottle of water – he’ll drink it and beg for more. I don’t know why we thought our walls would be safe.
Just not sure if it’s the right shade for his complexion.
I left to go to dinner and decided to leave my Weimaraner, Lucy, and Mastiff/Pitt mix, Abby, out for the evening. When I got home, I was greeted by flour tracks all over my house, and Lucy’s teeth caked with flour paste. Abby was spotless, but Lucy was covered. I honestly don’t even know where she found the flour.
The picture says, “I ate half a bag of flour, and tracked the other half around the house. My mom had to scrape flour-paste out of my teeth. I’m not even sorry. <3 Lucy”
My patient picked fresh nectarines for me. Pixie felt the need to inspect the produce while I was gone.
Guilty of scattering 12 nectarines all over the dining & living room floor!
We decided to turn the trashcan into a buffet! :/
I left my house for a total of 30 minutes. In that 30 minutes, my cat (co-conspirator not pictured) knocked this pizza box off the counter, and Sasha, my 8 year old (and KNOWS BETTER THAN THIS!) pit-bull/mastiff mix helped herself to my would-be dinner. The amount of poop that comes out of a 90 pound dog that has eaten a large pizza is not even right…
While we were out, Diesel and his cousin Tommy decided to rip to SHREDS all of the gift bags under the Christmas tree. They were mad that we left them home alone for an hour :/
I just carried a full 2 liter bottle of Ginger Ale from the kitchen to the dining room, tipped it over and bit into it. The spray was about 6 feet high. Where is the mop?