Theodore stayed with his Nannie for about 3 months and he learned how to clip couplons.

Theodore stayed with his Nannie for about 3 months and he learned how to clip couplons.
Our loveable pie bald wiener dog, Henry is such a puppy! The American Girl fingers were just too good to pass up. Of course, our 7 year old daughter was less than pleased. Marie-Grace (the doll) is now on her way to the AG hospital in New York.
Both the boy’s burgers and half your $18.99 a lb. filet mignon… albeit all raw… was mighty delicious. I am not taking food donations as I may not be given a meal for quite some time to come. Anyone?
Lou is a six month old Great Dane. Guess his regular toys aren’t big enough!
I caught jameson tearing into my husbands stash of mini boxes of corn pops
Winnie loves toys more than anyone! He steals his foster sisters toys and wont let go! He’s a sweet two year old shih tzu living in Alton, IL. Winnie is being fostered through Hope Animal Rescues. He is neutered and ready for his forever home. Here‘s his profile.
I left home for 30 minutes. When I came back, what used to be a full loaf of bread in the pantry was lying on the kitchen floor, torn open and half missing. I spent the day finding progressively more creative hiding places where Fennel had stashed his treasure… a week later he still goes nosing around the former stash locations, hoping their contents will have magically reappeared.
What do you mean, those are only for ladies?
I get the time out bin when I bite at peoples pants 🙁