I ate a bar of soap and now I poop bubbles.
Penny vs Soap

I ate a bar of soap and now I poop bubbles.
We still have no idea where these cards came from and are convinced that an illegal doggie-gambling ring is ran through our house.
Jake decided that Dad had eaten enough, and helped himself.
“I’ve been at my new home 2 days and I already destroyed my sister’s favorite toy”
I like to steal dishes out of my humans’ sink and smash them. But this time I smashed the crock pot. And I can make the most saddest guilty face ever so you can’t yell at me.
When I was in the shower, Olive the Boston Terrier managed to steal and tear a hole in her dad’s nice gloves.
“I ate this overpriced glove. Also, thanks for rescuing me. -Olive”
Our lovely Schnauzer Chester decided to eat our 2yrs old son’s breakfast.
“We took delivery of the UPS package with mom’s $90 blouse inside…Thanks UPS!”
This is Gracie. She’s a sweetheart, but has a weakness for used K-cups left on the kitchen counter.
Steve was caught theis evening destroying ANOTHER tennis ball… he just LOVES them!!!!!!