This is the guilty face you see when you take dinner out of the oven and then walk outside to water the plants for 5 minutes while dinner cools down. Thinking of changing his name to Papa Giuseppe.
Sorry I ate your dinner

This is the guilty face you see when you take dinner out of the oven and then walk outside to water the plants for 5 minutes while dinner cools down. Thinking of changing his name to Papa Giuseppe.
I ALMOST ate an entire stick of butter.
When Mom isn’t looking I sneak into the laundry room, steal her dryer
sheets and apply them to myself. Mmmmmm I smell April Fresh!
This time I got caught before I could go through the entire box.
I was not ashamed … she should have smelled me before she yelled!
(we wondered if Millie the red Dachshund or Joey the black Dachshund
was the culprit … it was Joey … BUSTED!!)
Isis is a one-year-old American Pit Bull terrier that DOES NOT like being left alone at home…so far nothing can stand up to her mighty jaws.
I went through Mommy’s bag of homework but FAILED to find the cookies that were in there. All I ate was paper!
I’m a goat-beagle!
Our pug Nikos is very proud of himself whenever we give him yogurt and he gets it all around the house. And his face.
We always suspected that Bella slept on our bed when we were out. The one time we close the door and she does this. Guess who has lost their full reign of the house privileges.
I stole a can of cheese soup off the counter, bit into the can and sucked all the cheese out like a vampire. Mom found it under the coffee table when she got home. It tasted Gooood 😉
This is Maggie. She is almost 3 years old and loves to lick lotion off everyone. It’s a disgusting enough habit as is, but today she decided licking wasn’t good enough and found a bottle of my lotion, dug it out of my purse, chewed all the plastic off the top, and licked as much out of the top as she could reach.
I opened the fridge, broke into the crisper drawer and ate all of momma’s bologna & cheese