I turned the stove on while no one was home trying to eat leftover pizza and almost burned the house down 🙁
Oscar’s Shame

I turned the stove on while no one was home trying to eat leftover pizza and almost burned the house down 🙁
This is not the first thing Saint Mary has shredded all over my bedroom carpet.
I’m Princess Leia. I figured out how to open the drawer in the bedside table with my bare paws! I found exciting things, like Mommy’s lipgloss. A princess must keep her lips and teeth glossy. I am not sorry, because it was yummy!
“I got up on the table and ate 75% of the homemade cookies that were supposed to go to daycare tomorrow. I PRETTY MUCH SUCK.” -Bear
Grissom just can’t help himself when he smells food in your bag.
‘I stole apple sauce and tore this book’
His eyes are full of shame.
Milo stealing the meatballs!
I jumped from chair to table and licked the icing off all my dad’s 30th surprise party cupcakes. dad thought I had got a dead animal- mom knew i was too sweet for that- literally.
“My name is Avi and I am a hoarder. It has been 0 days since my last incident.”
Avi doesn’t chew on our things, she just likes to gather them.
My brother made a sandwich was gone two minutes peyton and Kiera (her sister who is not pictured) ate an enitre loaf of bread
Our Boston terrier Boomer likes to pile all of his toys in the hallway for us to trip over, including my exercise ball. He is also teaching his younger sister Daphne to do the same!
Picture says “I LOVE to pile all of my toys in the hallway so my mom trips over them, including moms exercise ball!! Best part? I taught my little sister to do it too! Yay! Love boomer and daphne”