Proof that dogs can be sneaky- after stealing the freshly delivered pizza from the kitchen, Sampson proceeded to eat the topping only then leave the scene of the crime to hide upstairs. The only evidence he left behind was his cheese and tomato sauce smothered face!
When my mom makes pizza, she hides it in the microwave so I can’t get it. When she forgets, I sneak into the kitchen and use my go-go-gadget paws to steal it off the counter. Then, I walk around the house pretending I don’t have anything in my mouth and give her my best puppy eyes when she catches me.
Pippy is a really great dog, but sometimes she just has to learn things the hard way. I have many bird feeders and she is always being told NO when wanting to eat the birdseed. Unfortunately she did get into the birdseed and ate quite a bit of it and then came in the house and vomited on the newly scrubbed kitchen floor.
Still love her and I doubt she will eat any more bird seed. LOL
I unpacked Mom’s suitcase so I could use it as a bed – even though I already have three. I am not ashamed. – Princess Nellie. Princess Nellie was rescued from the streets of Mexico, and ever since, she can’t get enough of the Luxurious Life. When she looks at me with those big brown eyes, I’ll give her anything – including my best suitcase.
Pelusa is a three year old mutt rescued from a city bus terminal by a Peace Corps Paraguay Volunteer. She now lives at said volunteer’s house and receives love, attention and lots of food daily, but her street-dog habits have not left her.
After a rough night of food poisoning, the bucket-a-yuck was placed outside, which Pelusa decided was a delicious treat just for her. She was pretty upset when it was taken away from her, and clearly wanted more. Gross!