Meet Toby, the amazing bottle opener (and closet hoarder). He can open peanut butter and mustard jars too.
Posts Categorized: Pilfering Pooches
Buddha Beagle
I sneak into the house of our Buddhist neighbors, and eat their food offerings to Buddha
Sunny the Shameless Scarfer
I ate a whole loaf of bread (plus bag!), then snuck up on the couch and threw it all up on my mom’s laptop.
Ink,the South African terror!
Mielies are corn cobs here in North America!
Cleo would like to demonstrate the durability of tupperware!
Our golden retriever “Cleo” found and chewed up a Tupperware cup her Dad left outside while her brother “Cobber” watched. The irony is that their Mum is a Tupperware demonstrator….don’t think the folks at Tupperware will replace that cup 🙂
Bubba Jo Saboteur Extraordinaire!
Bubba Jo chewed up my earbuds and my prescription glasses today. Yes. Both the same day. I can’t drive without my glasses.
To add insult to injury, I’m an animal behaviorist and he thinks it’s funny to sabotage my career.
Spoiled Rotten
I hide toys under the sofa so my owners will buy me brand new ones.
Equal Opportunity Eater
Twinkie eats anything that hits the floor or he can counter surf.
Izzie Monster
I ate 13 keys off my Dad’s laptop. Now I have the alphabet poops!