Roxy jumped on a chair and reached up to the counter and licked the bird. There goes Thanksgiving!
I licked the turkey

Roxy jumped on a chair and reached up to the counter and licked the bird. There goes Thanksgiving!
My Mom’s favorite movie is Elf… I am now convinced I am part elf like Buddy and kept trying to eat cottonballs!!! They’re yummy!! – Mercy
This is the fourth time I’ve dug a cottonball out of her mouth… last time she had 6 cottonballs in her mouth!!
Mya (the brindle) and Opal (the ticked) were not excited about our poster of Jesus whose eyes follow you when you move around the room.
Our resident chef had compound butter under the turkey’s skin, before we were cooking it. Bad time to leave it alone with Rosie.
My mommy has to buy a crate for my little brother because he’s an escape artist. She comes home to him barking at the front door and the baby crying next door because of his barking. I’m no angel either. I like to bully my brother for his food and water and I love hoarding his bones too. But she still loves us though.
Scruffy and Cheonsa. (Doggy disturbance in Korea.)
I ate the (raw) Thanksgiving turkey. I am thankful that it was delicious. I have no regret. ~Maia
The turkey was left unattended on the counter for less than a minute. Looks like it will be a vegetarian dinner for us!
My Mom gave me this DVD to take a cute picture then I threw up on it – Jasper
I ate a bottle of honey…and most of it got onto the couch.
I steal catnip packets from the kitty’s stocking…Jack thinks ANYthing even remotely edible is his by default.
My name is Tucker.
I chewed my mommy’s brand new pair of jeans.
I’m so cute that she probably won’t stay mad for long though.