Happy birthday, Grandpa. I’ve already tested the cake Mom made.
mmmmm…. banana.
Professional Cake Tester

Happy birthday, Grandpa. I’ve already tested the cake Mom made.
mmmmm…. banana.
We turned away for ten seconds and that was long enough for Watson, the seven month old Corgi, to get into the fridge and help himself to some food. The saddest thing was he got himself stuck and needed help to get out.
This was a team effort. The kitty climbs the tree and swats off the “meatball” of the dogs choosing. Kitty plays with the neat shiny thing for a little while and then big bad doggie moves in for the kill.
Zelda the chocolate lab ate an entire Chanukah-themed gingerbread house kit that was meant to be a gift for the girls I babysit for. She also smeared blue icing all over my bed.
Sadie, our Newfoundland, has quite the sweet tooth. We’ve learned not to keep anything on the counter (she’s eaten countless loaves of bread, peanut butter, cake, and on and on) but I guess we missed this. I saw her carrying it to her bed. When she spotted me she dropped it and jumped out of her bed. I tried to make her pose with the cake but she wouldn’t go near it! It’s like she’s saying, “What? That’s not mine!”
Hi, I’m Apple from Malaysia. I steal food from my little master, even those that I don’t eat, just because I’m one envious dog.
Good thing I bought the extra fiber muffins
I got into the cookies that my Mom spent hours decorating.
You can’t make me ear my veggies. I don’t like carrots. -Stella
My mom dropped a carrot while she was cooking dinner. I grabbed it, chewed it up and spit it out. I waited until she started cleaning it up and then ate it out of her hand. Everything tastes better when hand fed.
I steal baby carrots when I think nobody’s looking.