I took the lid off and ate all the peanut butter cookies that my big brother Parker made! Winston the Weimaraner needs to cut down on his between meal snacks!
Peanut Butter cookies are my favorite.

I took the lid off and ate all the peanut butter cookies that my big brother Parker made! Winston the Weimaraner needs to cut down on his between meal snacks!
Calvin stole a block of cheese off of the kitchen counter. He is sad that he could not carry the Triscuits too. Sad but not shamed.
Do you remember Cookie?
Who doesn’t love a Cookie? Obviously, Brian and his family satisfied their sweet tooth when they adopted our special orphan, Cookie. We couldn’t be happier for the Cookie Monster, whose new human brothers were outside in the cold darkness of the night, waiting on the curb for their newest family member to arrive. After the uncertain past she endured, nobody deserves this wonderful family more than Cookie. So wag on Cookie Monster, wag on.
To see more adoptable dogs from the Vegas Shepherd Rescue, click here.
Always sneaking around to find food.
You said it was indestructible…I think you should get your money back.
— Yoshi
I tore up my brand new Christmas scarf and left evidence all over the floor…
Mom went to lunch without me, so I ate this tea bag.
Chamomile = my fave
My name is Rocky and these are the things I have eaten:
Tanning Oil
Winter Gloves
Winter Hats
(And I’d probably eat this headband too if they’d let me)
*Needless to say, we have to hide everything during the summer*
Henry lured his family into a false sense of security by leaving all holiday decorations alone last year but this year he destroyed an ornament and started on the stuffed gingerbread people (not harmed cause Dad got up and caught him).
My name is Beanie and I have a severe hatred of plastic bags. I like to hike my leg on them if they are within range, so beware!