For my B-Day I ate a big bowl of my dads Sausage dip he left on the table Now I’m puking everywhere! It was totally worth it though. Happy Birthday to me. 🙂
Cooper’s B-Day Hangover

For my B-Day I ate a big bowl of my dads Sausage dip he left on the table Now I’m puking everywhere! It was totally worth it though. Happy Birthday to me. 🙂
There’s only room for one “dear” in this house…
But mom, it was SO good!!!!
A Haiku
When my mom is gone
I like to eat a buffet
from the trashcan. Yum!
This is Harley. He actually broke our automatic trashcan soon after we got it by knocking it over. As you can see, he is not sorry!
This is Lucky, who has eaten everything we own. He has eaten water hoses, books, dryer vents and grill parts. He once ate a sock in April and passed it in September. He needed a 4-inch incision to remove the rubber scraper. He’s old now and doesn’t eat as much weird stuff. Thank goodness.
Radley stole and ate all the beef jerky out of his mom’s purse while she was dropping off his sister at daycare. He is not ashamed about eating the jerky and only about the Christmas sweater he was forced to wear.
No one asked me if I wanted birthday cake……… i took matters into my own hands!!!
Ollie and Jax eat everything! The DVDs were really bad as I was 3 episodes from finishing the series. 🙁 Ollie was especially not ashamed as he continued to roll on the DVDs while I tried to take the picture.
I got my 4 year old Shih Tzu another toy….again… First thing he does it destroy it and then make sure it no longer squeaks! This is one of his many victims. He still plays with the head to this day. However the head has no stuffing either.
I am too hyper to be ashamed right now. While my parents were out for dinner, I helped myself to a bag of artificial sweetener–paper and all! When they got home, I was bouncing off the walls, and I could barely sit still for my Dogshaming photo! <3 Riley
Note from the ASPCA website: “Sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), aspartame (NutraSweet) and saccharin (Sweet N’ Low) are not known to cause problems in dogs or other pets, as the sweetener xylitol has been shown to do.” (Source: )