This is Zeus the 4 month old Doberman puppy. He is the biggest baby ever!
Posts Categorized: Piddle Party
Therapy dog suspended
“I usually do therapy with my mom’s students (she is a School Counselor) but today I am in ISS (internal school suspension) for peeing in the school.”
Hates to get his feet damp
I have fetched in the Pacific Ocean, swam in the Sandy River, but I refuse to pee on damp grass.
I pee’d on the snowman…
I peed on the snowman..
Is he still looking at me?
Mick at the Office
Mick at the Office
Mr Burns is obsessed with urine. Finding it, smelling it for minutes at a time, and then making sure he pees on it. Wherever it may be. Tree stumps, garbage bags, hydrants, a peing dog…whatever.
What did the Virgin Mary do to you?
This pic was posted on Facebook’s “Pit Bulls and Itty Pitties” and I thought “Why has no one given it to you?” Poor Otis; a boy just has to pee on everything!!
Impolite Doxie
Our male black mini-dachshund isn’t always thoughtful of his sister, a blond long-haired mini:
When she stops to sniff our favorite pee spot, I pee on her head. This happens frequently.
Weed and Pee
After a thorough weeding, I like to tinkle in the flower pot.
Fear Peeing
I pee at the sight of tall men.