Roxy, our five year old Boston Terrier has not come out from under the bed since our “photo shoot.”
Pig Fear

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Roxy, our five year old Boston Terrier has not come out from under the bed since our “photo shoot.”
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Sadie must have panicked when we were packing the car. She’s lucky we saw her before we closed the trunk!
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I like to play in dirty laundry. Today I got stuck in a sweater sleeve.
Poppy had been quiet for a bit to long today. I found her pretty well stuck inside the sleeve of my sweater. The shame is authentic; she didn’t make a peep and just sat inside the sleeve in quiet humiliation.
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“I am a pro at photo bombing” – This is my new puppy, Belly. I was trying to take a picture of myself and she decided to pop her head in last minute. It’s okay, though. She’s the fluffiest puppy that looks like a teddy bear!
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Brutto, a year and half golden retriever, tries to hide under the couch after chewing the unchewable. Too bad his whole body is super visible!
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Trash Day, again. “Just Close the Door and nobody needs to know a thing,,,”
Posted by & filed under Hide and seek, Pilfering Pooches, Submitted.
I hid a live chicken under the bed…and Mom didn’t find it for two days! (The chicken was fine, just a little annoyed.)
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This is my roommate’s dog, Ducati, and despite his alarming expression here, he is the sweetest dog I have ever known.
Posted by & filed under Hide and seek, Pet Shaming, Renovation and Redecoration, Submitted.
Amelie likes to chew through our comforter……. and everything else. She’s just too cute!
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Hello, I’m Ringo and I don’t want mommy to take this to the laundry. I want to go too!