I stole a whole bag of treats while my parents were out and then couldn’t stop farting all night.
Bet you Can’t eat Just one

I stole a whole bag of treats while my parents were out and then couldn’t stop farting all night.
…Surprised we haven’t been barred.
My name is Hector, and I love to let out squeaky farts at the most inappropriate times (such as in the elevator in front of sweet little old ladies)!
I Fark (Fart and Bark Simultaneously)
Bono farks whenever he gets nervous or sees the mailman.
I ate half a tub of petroleum jelly and now mom and dad have to clean up Vaseline farts.
I fart in the elevator and let people think dad did it. Not ashamed…
My name is Mac.
I like to sleep under my owners desk while she works all day in her home office.
I wait until she is on the phone for a conference call , or is speaking with an important client and can’t leave, and then I FART. A LOT.
I drop bombs.
During a very important meeting for the production of a popular television show, Wade Boggs (pictured) sauntered into the room, under the packed table, and laid one of the largest / most pungent gastrointestinal explosions to date. Quickly removed from the room, it was only right to publicly shame this pooch for his loose caboose.
Bella is precious but can be toxic!