One of us ate an entire box of TUMS and an entire tube of Neosporin and barfed all over the yard. Mommy still doesn’t know who did it yet and WE’RE NOT TELLING!
One Of Us Ate An Entire Box Of Tums

One of us ate an entire box of TUMS and an entire tube of Neosporin and barfed all over the yard. Mommy still doesn’t know who did it yet and WE’RE NOT TELLING!
I don’t always bully the cat, but when I do I lick her until she looks like Smeagol 😉
Jake the Dog: I welcomed the hedgehog to her new home by trying to EAT her. My mom spent an hour plucking quills out of me 🙁
FizzBitch the hedgehog: I chase the dog around the house because he’s scared of me now LoL
My socks whilst been worn…. NOT FUN!
Daisy doesnt like to share her toys with Lily the new puppy.
“We see dog shaming as a challenge list”
“I’m winning!”
Jovi and Kezzi have achieved a lot of these, Kezzi is slightly leading on points.
We tried to eat a wombat. The wombat has outwitted us this time.
peeing poodle and scaredy cat dog….
Wiener bullies..
Naughty step brothers like to tug-o-war with my couch cushions