Somehow, she managed to rock her crate enough to snag a pillow on the floor…through the bars. That pillow must’ve really had it coming.
The Pillow Started It

Somehow, she managed to rock her crate enough to snag a pillow on the floor…through the bars. That pillow must’ve really had it coming.
I eat my blankie all the time and have blankie poos – Monkey
We are still trying to housetrain Mop, so we bought the carrier for her to sleep in at night. Something small and cozy. Thought she’d love it, not eat it!
Charli doesn’t seem to care that this was her last bed. She has chewed, wrecked, ripped apart and/or annihilated over 5 beds and she’s not even 2 years old yet. I have looked for every reason why she might do this and I ensure she gets lots of exercise daily but I can’t figure it out. Every now and then she just decides her dog bed must die. That’s the last one Charli, from now on you’re sleeping on a hard floor…
My name is Lewis. I’m a very naught bully. I like to chew and destroy things. My latest work of destruction was chewing open the brand new pillows and making a bed for myself. I think I own the house and everything in it.
My name is Lolly and I’m a 2 year old Border Terrier. I destroyed my parents’ duvet and Egyptian cotton sheets. I knew I was being bad but I did it anyway. I ran away and hid before my parents saw. I’ll probably do it again.
Much to his delight, Milt was put in the kennel with the big, fluffy pillows that is usually reserved for the older, more responsible dog of the house. Milt is a young whippersnapper from Omaha, NE who’s being fostered by the Basset and Beagle Rescue of the Heartland. If you need a running partner who never gets tired? Milt’s your man! (Er…dog.) This young, hilarious pup will entertain you with his antics all day long…right up until he snuggles up and crashes at bedtime. Although he loves other dogs and children, this independent (some might say evil) genius’ true passion is plotting how to take over the world.
…Or steal your dinner.
…Or access the pantry.
…Or open the back gate.
For more information on Milt, click here.
I’m Tandia. I ate a bar of soap and puked in ALL THREE dog beds.
Sable destroyed a dog bed in about 10 minutes. She is available for adoption through Red Banks Rescue in Holly Springs, MS. Sable is a two year old catahoula leapord dog who recently had a litter of 11 pups (all of which have been adopted) and she LOVES kids. For more information on Sable, click here.
Our dogs gets upset when we are gone all day for work. We think both of our dogs had something to do with it, but Jack has no shame. Our other dog Magnum hung out behind the camera with his head down in shame. That is actually 2 dog beds.