I rolled in a rotting deer carcass twice in the last week…the smell didn’t come all the way out after my last bath.
It rained today and has amplified the odor considerably (yay!)
I also just drank a gallon of water and threw up right over there ===>
(I’m chewing on the sign in this picture)
xoxo Boone
I leave for 3 minutes and Doogie thought it’d be a good idea to get his paws (and mouth) on a tissue that I had just 5 minutes prior blown my nose on. He felt left out being the only one in our house not sick.
I’m Wrecks. I got diarrhea from eating bird suet. I pooped a big puddle on the futon in the basement and Mom sat in it. HA HA HA HA HA.
I thought the smell in the basement was coming from the cat box so I sat on the futon to scoop it out. I realized my bottom was wet and cold and stood up to see what the problem was.
Leo is a Catahoula pup who just turned one.
He is a good boy. He gets so excited to be out
side that he pee’s all over him self. Guess he’s
not a big boy yet. Leo is a wonderful addition
to our family. We love our Catahoula!