Guess who peed through screen?
This one Passed the “Screen Test”

Guess who peed through screen?
Trash can bandit
This is why I’m not allowed to be left alone outside
❤️ Gracie May
This is Mona. Her favorite food is salmon. She craves fish, and the house smells like a cat jungle, even though we’ve never had a cat.
Mom thought I was under her bed eating my chewy bone, but it was her favorite banana chapstick. Now I have waxy poops 😑
Layla came inside one morning and vomited on the kitchen floor right in front on me. I quickly realized she had thrown up dog poop that she just ate. Gross!!!
Dad found a cockroach trap with a mouse on it that had been dead about 6 weeks. I stole it from the bin and ate it. Dad had to rescue me because I was stuck to the trap.
This is our German Shepherd puppy, Athena. She sneaks into the basement and dumps the cat box to find buried treasure to eat. Yuck!
Teddy gets into my bathroom trash can when I’m not paying attention.
I like to eat used kleenex. Tasty!
“I ate Chloe’s braces”