Tiki was missing Daddy while he was at work today so…she thought it would help to chew up his feather pillow. Mommy heard some ruckus in the bedroom and found Tiki in quite a battle with Daddy’s pillow! Tiki’s planning to buy Daddy a new feathered pillow soon.
Noises outside of my control freak me out. I broke the new ceramic water bowl when the bug guy was here…Chewed up the wooden blinds to assert my dominance to the gentleman who cleans the pool…Ripped the curtain rod OUT OF THE WALL to show the landscaper I’m the boss of the house. This is my newest offering to the list.
“I get stuck under the bed and bark when I need out. Usually at night. I did this when I was little. I don’t understand why I get stuck now.” – Hunter, 7 months old.