Posts Categorized: Bad Babysitter
Chowin’ Chow
I jump up on the dining table and steal my human sister’s goldfish crackers. I have boundary issues.
I stole the kids’ cookies…
I stole Tara and Matt’s hand-decorated cookies from the countertop and ate them all.
Sorry to burst your bubble
I’m a balloon killer.
I’m Sorry I Peed On Your Baby
I learned that they don’t sell cards that say “I’m sorry my puppy peed on your baby” We had to make our own 🙂
Bad Baby Huxley
I steal the baby’s bottles, chew off the nipples, and drink the milk inside. Bad baby!
Playroom Purgatory
Meet Bauer (pronounced bow were). He is something else. He also has an epic guilty face. As bad as he can be… we love him!
This is how I say “hello!”
A couple of times, our dog has decided that a good way to introduce himself to children is by surprise body-slamming them to the ground even. (No children were harm thankfully)
Soothing Schnoodle
“I have been EATING my baby sister’s pacifiers on a weekly basis!”
I got your backside, friend!
While I walked away to rotate laundry, Leslie decided to take off her poopy diaper. Rosie took the opportunity to lick someone else’s butt for a change of pace. Saved me from having to wipe it off of Leslie’s backside.