I can’t be trusted when left alone with delicious bedsheets. #itsamiracle #sorryimnotsorry
I can’t be trusted when left alone with delicious bedsheets. #itsamiracle #sorryimnotsorry
Sign reads: I like to chew up used tissues. My human has a cold. YUM!
Henry the long-haired Dachshund recently passed at the old age of 16. He was a good dog but sometimes couldn’t control himself; apparently he loves the taste of snot.
My owner doesn’t appreciate that by eating the butter I was really just looking out for his health.
“While my dog sitter was in the bathroom, I could, and I DID. Love, PorkChop”
He waited until my partner went to the bathroom, then he did a little light chewing.. er, reading. In a year of dog sitting, this is the first casualty. Very apt, PC. Very apt. I Could Chew on This is available everywhere, click here to buy Francesco Marciuliano’s book!
I threw up in 11 places in the house, including once on the couch
I slipped out the door as my human was leaving for work, and nearly gave him a heart attack. After a playful 2-block game of chase (traumatic spree of panic), I was finally caught while stopping to poo.
Jigs loves playing fetch with her stick. Mama’s throw got a little off balance and her stick landed in our sewage pond! The sign says, “I chose not to listen to my mom and went after my stick that had landed in our sewage pond.”
eww. gross. right? This all happened on my lunch break! Had to hurry and bathe her then bathe myself all in an hour!
Super powers. That’s how.
Gucci is looking for love in all the wrong places!
I keep going to the litter box for snacks. My breath smells like cat poop!
I adopted my dog 2 months ago, and I thought he was completely potty trained until he dropped his toy under the bed. Then I found the mine field he had been creating…