Frank, 15 months old, has made his Mom a general contractor with all the things he has destroyed in the house. This was his latest achievement.
Frank, 15 months old, has made his Mom a general contractor with all the things he has destroyed in the house. This was his latest achievement.
Ollie loves treats, a bit too much. When no one was around he got into the Galactic Snaps and ate the whole bag at once. Unfortunately his tiny tummy couldn’t hold it all in and it came right back up. He then attempted to dispose of the evidence, but was caught in the act.
Loot Pets is a monthly mystery crate of geeky gear and goods for your pooch. They have a monthly theme and items that center on pop culture franchises. You can get yours here: loot.cr/dogshaming use promo code: DOGSHAMING for 10% off your own Loot Pets subscription.
I went into my aunt’s sacred space and humped her meditation pillow. I have no regrets. Namaste.
I ate half a tub of petroleum jelly and now mom and dad have to clean up Vaseline farts.
“Me and the cat always fight for mommy’s attention. So in order for me to get more attention, I framed the cat for digging up mommy’s pot of cactuses in her room!”
Our friend, Sarah showed us this hilarious picture of her sweet girl, Minnie. “Someone’s getting coal in her stocking this year! (She keeps raiding the guinea pig vitamin C treats…guess I need to start keeping it locked up! Not harmful, but not cheap to replace all the time!)”
Dog Shaming’s little cousin Laura has a sweet new pup named Buddy. It’s a good thing Laura had plenty of time to get a replacement passport before her next trip! Merry Christmas, Laura and Buddy!
Andrea’s pup, Silver, wanted to help her out during the stress of the Holiday season by not requiring a water dish! She got it straight from the source! You’re welcome.
In the twelve months I’ve been in my new home, this what I have destroyed:
12 – Window Blinds
11 – Scratched Doors
10 – Holes in the Ponds
9 – Toilet Roll Holders
8 – Kitchen Throw Rugs
7 – Pairs of Shoes
6 – Jacket Linings
5 – Golfing Hats
4 – Pairs of Glasses
3 – Crown Moldings
2 – Doggie Collars, and
The Carpet in the Master Bedroom!
My mommy was in the shower and left me alone. I’m a bad dog!