I wait until 2am when you get up to pee and then, from the darkness, squeak “Hi! I’m Henry! Let’s go to the airport!” also, I probably steal souls.
I wait until 2am when you get up to pee and then, from the darkness, squeak “Hi! I’m Henry! Let’s go to the airport!” also, I probably steal souls.
I went on a 4,000 mile road trip without incident. I died going to the grocery store.
[picture of a carefully framed map of Skyrim from the video game Skyrim]
I get to live above the fireplace because I’m “cool”.
I put this shoe rack together one afternoon, and the second I put shoes on it it collapsed. A+ racking!
My name is Harper Lu and my only regret is that the plate was too far back on the counter and all I could get was his face and butt!!
Maverick and Miles are best buddies!
Editor’s note: I know there’s no sign, but WOULDYOULOOKATTHEM?!?!!?
Angus ate 2 dozen confetti eggs before the guests arrived. He has absolutely no remorse.
We came home from a 2 day camping trip and needless to say I don’t think she was too thrilled about being left!
The sign says, “Mommy, you said you wanted new carpet. I was just helping you.” Love, Kona. I was watching my sisters puppy and thought that leaving Kona in the same room would help the pup be less anxious. Well, apparently Kona did not like being left alone in this room with the puppy. Kona has NEVER chewed up anything so I did not think I’d come home to this.
We’re so happy to announce that our little family is growing once again! In a few short weeks, our family of four (duh, we include the dog) will become five! Big sister Mia is very excited for our new arrival, but I think she might be a tad disappointed by its lack of fur. Dasha the wiener dog is thoroughly appalled at having to wait longer to get my her beloved lap back (but excited at the prospect of twice the amount of baby food being thrown around!).
Are we crazy? The magic eight ball points to ‘without a doubt’. If you guys notice a lack of new dog shaming posts in a few weeks, you’ll know why! I’m going to work as hard as I can to keep up with the website over the next few months!
© Diamondview Photography