Suki ate an entire bottle of blood worms during the 30 seconds I was turned around. She has no shame whatsoever.
Suki ate an entire bottle of blood worms during the 30 seconds I was turned around. She has no shame whatsoever.
This book survived World War II, but not me.
Truck was locked but window was overly cracked because Kitty was inside. They stuck their arm in the window to unlock and stole my iPad, the 128gig w/cell service. Thankful and grateful they didn’t take her.
This is Hank, while I was at work he decided that he was not a fan of my dog shaming calendar. He is ironic…
Bought my son a brand new baseball helmet. Didn’t even take it out of the Modell’s bag yet. Came home from work and her entire face was inside the helmet eating it from the inside.
Ginger: “I ate this hoodie”.
Cappy: “I watched”.
…I promise it won’t happen again.
I made Mummy get up at 4AM to change the battery on the smoke detector because I was scared of the beeping.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. So, I ate a whole bar of soap. Cash, the golden furry child shown above decided that his mom’s soap tastes pretty good! The nagging thirst that followed was not as pleasant.
Happy April Fools everyone! As it is a tradition here on dogshaming, we love to shame things that aren’t dogs on April 1st!! We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. I hope everyone had a good laugh at our inanimate objects being shamed!