Bentley my 4 year old Yellow Lab rescue who was starved and abandoned has gained 20 pounds since I found him a few months ago. He is a counter-surfer and will eat anything left on the counter that has been unattended for over 2 minutes. He took a whole uncooked London Broil off the counter that was marinating when we left the kitchen, without knocking the glass pan on the floor. It’s safe to say he’s a stinker but he is too cute and sweet to punish!
P.S today he ate half a cake.
“I really like playing in the rain (especially after my grandma showers me)”
This is MagalĂ, and she REALLY likes playing in the rain right after my mother-in-law bathes her and tells everyone that she is looking beautiful…
My bestie Renee hated these sun glasses that Daisy our Bloodhound rescue destroyed. Renee was so great full that she sent Daisy a box of bones. Sign says:
I conspired with my Mom’s bestie, Renee, to destroy Mom’s favorite sunglasses. Renee hated them and wanted them dead. She paid me off with treats! No shame! -Daisy the Destroyer.
I like to unzip backpacks and rip up papers.
Priscilla loves to chew on anything that is not her toys, this time she got lucky the extension cord was unplugged!!
I require the most expensive double-ground mulch for my sunning pleasure. I’m not ashamed.
Mom and I go to bed before dad does. I lick his pillow and his side of the covers then refuse to move when he climbs in. Love, Piggy. #sorrynotsorry
My husband ends up wrestling Piggy over to get some room in bed, and when he does he gets to sleep in soggy blankets with a soggy pillow.
My name is Hector, and I love to let out squeaky farts at the most inappropriate times (such as in the elevator in front of sweet little old ladies)!
My wife and I wanted to test if our seven month old pitbull brooklyn would be able to be out of her crate unattended. While I was at work my wife had to run some errands so she left her home alone. When she returned she found my passport, a hat, a pair of headphones and our cats scratching post torn to pieces. Needless to say our test has failed
I Fark (Fart and Bark Simultaneously)
Bono farks whenever he gets nervous or sees the mailman.