Always rooting for the under [the bed] dog | Dog Shaming Barklee likes to hide under the bed when alone. Wearing a cone did not keep him from trying and succeeding. But, he just could not get back out.
John Barkin February 22nd, 2016 What breed/mix is Barklee??? We just rescued what looks to be his twin brother, and we are curious beyond the “terrier mix” provided by the Humane Society. Reply
He needs a Kong collar…not so obtrusive.
Poor thing. He looks defeated. Why not keep the bedroom door closed?
awww time for kisses for that sweet little face!
John Barkin
What breed/mix is Barklee??? We just rescued what looks to be his twin brother, and we are curious beyond the “terrier mix” provided by the Humane Society.
Barbara Ross
AS IF you can’t put your bed on risers…