Bentley my 4 year old Yellow Lab rescue who was starved and abandoned has gained 20 pounds since I found him a few months ago. He is a counter-surfer and will eat anything left on the counter that has been unattended for over 2 minutes. He took a whole uncooked London Broil off the counter that was marinating when we left the kitchen, without knocking the glass pan on the floor. It’s safe to say he’s a stinker but he is too cute and sweet to punish!
P.S today he ate half a cake.
Susan in Dallas
Aww, just look at that beautiful face. Well worth that ol’ London Broil.
I would make him a steak every day if he were mine.
Thanks for giving him his family!
So glad he has you!
Lucky, lucky dog! (I think he left the pan so you could put out more steaks) 😀
Lori Gates
So glad you rescued Bentley. I rescued a German Shorthair two years ago that had been abandoned and left to starve to death. He still surfs the counter and will get into the garbage if we don’t but the gate up to our utility room. Unfortunately his brother whom I’ve had since he was 9 weeks old (now 4) thinks he can surf the counters too.
I love his sweet face. I wouldn’t be able to be mad at him either.
This is my dog and a picture of him I took over a year ago…?