My name is HoneyBear, and I lick people so much I could suffocate them… But I love people.
My name is Tai, and I am a nostril licker. Plus my licks are slobbery.
Honeybear (female) and Tai (male) are 5 year old, long-haired Chihuahuas from the same litter. HoneyBear is an incessant licker, but Tai is more of a sneak attack licker. He waits until you least expect it then he slaps you with an extra sloppy tongue. He is a master at getting right in the nostrils… repeatedly. They are definitely both loved and spoiled anyway! 🙂
Ann Driod
Our first child was a long-haired Chihuahua, Pepe. Best dog ever. Your’s are adorable! Do they cuddle together?
My dogs do the same thing! We have to warn people when they come over to watch out for them. The nostril licker is also part Chi. Maybe it’s in their genes? Too cute.
Haha, Honey Bear in particular looks so proud of herself – “Just doing my part to fight germs!”