Every day after work I take Stella into the woods next to our apartment for her nightly exercise. Three days in a row she decided to ignore me and instead roll in the most foul smelling animal carcass she could find. With dad working in Kansas, I had to bathe her in our tiny apartment bathroom every time she decided to do this. On the third night I decided to share with him our new nightly routine.
Ronnee Hoffman
That dead thing smell is the toughest to remove from dog skin and coat. It takes multiple baking soda, skunk off shampoos, vinegar, coffee grounds, omg what a bathing disaster.
Luvz Dogz
There’s a really cool invention called a leash that should prevent these encounters.
Loves dogs
Leashes don’t always prevent this actually. Dogs can quickly roll in something while on the leash before you know it’s even happening.
My dog is way out her teenage years, but still loves to roll in dead stuff. I live in a rural community, so there is some very stinky things to roll in…with her favorite being dead fish.
Yeah…mine, too! I have 11, 8 and 7 year olds who still do it regularly. And yep, they have leashes. Bleh.