My name is Millie and sometimes I get too friendly with not alive things. Like Mummy’s coat. The shoe box. My bed. But horsey is my favourite. I love horsey. I know now that I love horsey more than I should. Daddy says that I mustn’t do that to horsey now because it upsets the small people who own horsey and it’s definitely not okay when daddy’s friends are here in the big house with their own small people. Sometimes what I do to horsey makes small people cry and daddy has to say sorry a lot and make me wait outside until small people have gone away. I really like small people. But I still like horsey best.
Can’t stop chuckling… Thank you – I needed this today! 🙂
Carlene MacLeod Smith
Terrific story of an addiction – maybe there’s a support group out there for dogs who pony hump…..
I think Millie should have her very own pony, and a private place for them both. Enjoy!
she’s riding the horsey,
I’m happy you found someone to love, Millie!
Millie wins dogshaming LOLOLOL
TwistedHippie Alb
LMAO, everybody needs that special someone.