8 Responses to “Can the American Girl Doll Hospital fix this?”

  1. Terri Lemke

    Awww, I love you George!!!! I am so happy to have rescued you and that you found the perfect family!!!!

  2. dale-harriet rogovich

    YES! Yes, they can – you might be amazed (and horrified) to see the wounds our American Girls come to the Hospital with! Seems like puppies and brothers are the cause of many problems; there are few things the surgeons have not seen. Bitten-off fingers? Easy-peasy! Send her along (and I can report that they girlies enjoy their hospital stay very much, and are treated with care and love, and come home right smart!)

  3. Molly

    Sadly I must admit to sending multiple AG dolls to the hospital after my dog ate their toes off!! They can be fixed:)….the dolls, still not sure about the dog!

  4. hcgree

    It can definitely be fixed- if you’re willing to pay the price for the doll hospital. My mom was unwilling, and thus my Kirsten doll is still missing her fingers.


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