Skipper was having a rough time on our walk to the park the other day. She was just done. After trying to get her to get moving again; I finally had to borrow someone’s phone and call my husband to pick us up. As I was leaving the park; a very nice lady told met that she wished she had her Lourdes water so she could bless the dog. She also told me that she was on her way to church, and would be praying for us during the Stations of the Cross. It must have worked–she is back to her old good-walking self again!
Her sign: I was SO bad at the park today–A woman wanted to bless me with Holy Water!
I’ve had to carry mine home a time or two from walks! It’s just one of those things. Happy Skipper is back to angelic self.
Haha, that is awesome – what a sweet lady. Good thing Skipper is so cute!