Someone got into a tub of Vaseline, not realizing that it was going to cause his butt to leak for the following 12 hours. I don’t know who had it worse – me, or him.
Ha Ha! My dog has emptied a large tub of Vaseline too!!!! This is a great idea. Wish I had thought of it. Best of luck trying to clean the yard of the gelatinous poo the next couple days!!!! 🙂
Paige Michel
Is this dog actually for sale? Poor baby
Are you really selling him now?
Precious baby..Please don’t sell him 🙁
Ha Ha! My dog has emptied a large tub of Vaseline too!!!! This is a great idea. Wish I had thought of it. Best of luck trying to clean the yard of the gelatinous poo the next couple days!!!! 🙂
Pittie Mom
Poor guy; even his eyelids are slippery. What a beautiful pup!
Are you really selling him? Poor baby! How much? If you don’t want him, I’m definitely interested!
Katydid Dockery
Vaseline Buttprints would be a good name for a band.
my dog did the same… a couple years ago…
this is a great idea!! I should remember for the next time!!