Three days of rain leaves our house full of muddy paw prints – after cleaning the floors Coco came into the house wearing a mud suit and decided to chase one of the cats. She could also be wearing a sign that says ” I pee in the house in front of the open dog door”, and “I killed all of my mom’s chickens and ate one in her bed”.
Oh Dear, did she really eat one of your chickens in your bed? I must admit I was laughing uncontrollably at that- until i thought about finding my dog in bed with a freshly killed chicken……. At least she is very cute and with those puppy dog eyes and ears like that how could anyone stay mad at her!! O Coco- you have made my day 🙂
This makes me glad that my partner and I were able to train our small dogs (at the time, a maltipoo and two adult cairn terriers) to respect our five chickens while they were still living in their brooder in the house. A few good pecks to the nose, tail, or ears and they’ve stayed a good distance away ever since! The new cairn puppy, on the other hand…