I always thought our 2nd floor balcony was a safe place for our dog to be. I let her out there. A short time later I hear a crash and I run out there and she is running free in our apartment complex chasing a squirrel. We have tree right outside our balcony and the squirrels love it. Now they know our dog will try to get them out of the tree. (and fall in the process)
Love Freely!
OMG! How scary! I’m glad she’s OK!!!! BTW… she’s so darn pretty!!!
Poor baby ! So glad he’s ok !!!
Are you sure she was not trying to fly like Rocky J. Squirrel?
Pittie Mom
Pretty girl, I’m so glad you are okay; those squirrels are mind benders for sure…
John Blizard
My 10 yo American Brown Dog used to catch and NOT release those Bushy Tailed Rats back in the day, and while she is still most fast on her feet, she hasn’t gotten one in quite awhile. She never stops trying though!
I totally understand why that pretty girl did that. Somebody has to put the fear of God into those darn squirrels!
Yes glad she is okay! We have two pups who are the same. One jumped off one story shed.