Sign says, “I ran into the neighbor’s house to lick their kids. I have no shame.”
Believe it or not, this is the second time our yorkie Cookie has broken into a neighbor’s house to spread some love. Thankfully, she’s just too adorable to punish.
Sign says, “I ran into the neighbor’s house to lick their kids. I have no shame.”
Believe it or not, this is the second time our yorkie Cookie has broken into a neighbor’s house to spread some love. Thankfully, she’s just too adorable to punish.
And who would have a problem with that?
loooove Yorkies.. If that adorable little sweetheart showed up in my house, I might have to adopt it. hehe
Don’t see how the neighbors could complain about that.
CooKie is lover and not a fighter. Give kisses for us!
Sharon C.
My daughter’s German Shepherd, named Delilah. She used to go up the hill to visit her Great Dane friend, Delilah would walk up on their patio, push the screened in patio door open and walk right in their house. Luckily they didn’t mind! I’d love to have your Yorkie visit my house.
Coco B
Yorkies have no shame st all. None. They are great little doggies.
What a cute little love bug! Cookie, I wish you lived near me – my son and I would love to have you visit (bringing kisses, no less, what a sweetie you are) all the time.