My name is Butter. I like to sneak into my parents laundry basket and pull out my dads used handkerchiefs. I carefully chew out the gooey centers and craft them into fantastic articles of artisanal clothing. Here I am modeling my most recent piece, the poncho of shame.
Sam Ivy
Hahah, I love that you made it into a poncho. That is so clever. Butter truly does look ashamed. So sad haha.
Oh, my! What a cute face. I don’t see any shame, however
Diana Moga Christensen
with that mousy ears and nose, how could do not forgive him? amazing boy and little damage… mines are doing much worse
poor butter!!!! so stinking cute and looks so guilty! LOL
Peanut Butter
Butter! Could she be any cuter or look any more guilty! LOL! She is really really really adorable!
Dog Lover
This dog is adorable!