Sadie is a Jack Russell Terrier mix that my wife and I rescued 3 years ago. She is a complete sweetheart and loves to groom herself while sunning on our bed. However, she has careless disregard for what she is licking while primping herself and always leaves a gross wet lick spot on the comforter. Fortunately, I can’t stay mad at that face for too long.
The Sign reads :
96% Comforter 4% Paw –
I think this is an acceptable lick ratio when grooming myself
– Sadie
Linda Hickey Bribiesca
My Jack Russell would just lay there and lick the comforter with no attempt at cleaning herself. I never figured out why but she loved doing it and that was enough for me.
OMG! My lab cross has the exact same problem! We come home half the time to a soaked couch!
My Min Pin does it as well. It’s like he gets lost in thought lol
Tuli's mom
What a coincidence, my Boston Terrier has the same problem. Only she does it when she’s under the covers of the bed, so it can be a surprise at bedtime.
Shari D.
My chihuahua used to do this. It’s a medical issue. After I got her checked out by a vet, I used Zymox shampoo and rinse and it fixed her need to lick her paws and forearms.