Here is the info on Joe the cat.
He is with Friends of Rescue in Hunstville, Alabama. He was living in a feral cat colony in Huntsville, Alabama, but he was very friendly so Friends of Rescue decided to try and find him a home. He is FIV positive, so he will need a home with no other cats, or other cats who are also FIV positive.
Elizabeth Ellis, over at @LizzerTweets is an artist who is trying to promote awareness for rescues. She is currently working on a project where every week, for the entire year of 2015 she will be painting an adoptable animal currently in a shelter. She posts the painting, making a video about it on youtube, tweeting, etc every week. At the beginning of 2016, there will be an exhibition of all 52 paintings at an Ohio art gallery, after which the paintings will be mailed to either the shelter who still has the animal, or hopefully, the family who has adopted the animal. I’m calling it the year of 52 rescues. Go take a look at all the cool paintings she’s done so far!
FIV cats can live perfectly fine with non-FIV cats as long as there are no bad fights. The more you know….
Spider's mum
One of our cats had FIV and as long as we were careful he was fine.
Hopefully Joe the cat will find a forever home, and go Elizabeth. You are AMAZING!
FIV positive cats can easily live with negative cats as long as no one is bitey. Heavens, it’s really no big deal for cat-friendly cats! I have a positive and a negative living together for years, now – and yes, the negative is still negative and always will be because they love each other (and yes, they do roughhouse – it’s all in play, so perfectly safe).