When we go to the dog park Abe is under the impression everyone is there to see him. Every tennis ball is thrown for him to chase and every time someone whistles it is obviously calling him. Today, Abe played with a pug and his 8 yr old owner. Next thing I know, he’s trying to walk out the gates with his new family.
Okay, what grade did he get from the training school for guard dogs? 😉
Aww, he sounds like a big sweetie!
Aw too cute!
Jennifer M.
This is such is so adorable! And funny! 🙂
What a beautiful baby!!! Enjoy it while he’s young…he’ll soon grow into that “Aloof German Shepherd” demeanor. It’s great that he loves kids. This is why I love GSDs.
Haha…my dog would do that too 🙁
Sonia Seda
I think he looks sorry because he got caught!! Hahaahah so cute!
Mary Hegeman
I drove from Missouri to Florida to adopt a poor unfortunate stray. While I was filling out the paperwork, he tried to leave with everyone but me!