Sign reads: “Do you want to send me back yet??”
My husband came home to find the $50 gift certificate given to me from my boss for my birthday, carefully ripped into 3 pieces. It was up on a bookshelf, by the way.
(Mugga was adopted, hence the reference to ‘sending him back’)
Contact the issuer of the certificate. As long as long as you can show all the pieces are damaged and not used, they might honor or replace it.
oh, Mugga. If they love you enough to put you on DogShaming, they’ll never send you back.
(and if they do, you can come live with me)
He was HINTING he is already your best birthday gift EVER. You don’t need on stinking gift certificate. LOL!
LOL that was my thought too – “I’m the only gift you need!”
And yes, I bet they will honor it – they mostly just want to know that you’re not trying to present two halves and double it. Also, I bet they have a record of your employer buying it.
mea culpa
Having an American Bulldog myself I have to wonder what kind of shape the bookshelf is in…